About Us

Greetings, Party Hero's. In 2018, I first learned about this game while viewing a video about foreign drinking games. The German video astounded me so much that I made my own out of it. I love gatherings and am always willing to provide my assistance in bringing life to them.

A guy on YouTube had what seemed like a backpack attached to his back; it had a rope and handles for carrying a beverage to your mouth. Being made out of long 2x4s, it was both amusing and quite hefty. Because of my experience working with wood, I thought it would be fun to redesign it to be more functional.

I took a set to a friend's birthday bash after I finished the initial prototype. Needless to say, they were a smashing success. Several additional individuals expressed interest in purchasing sets from me so that they could use them at social gatherings. Since then, I've constantly upgraded and diversified my gear and materials.

The Beer Puppeteer works well on any occasion. It is perfect for outdoor events including road trips, BBQs, tailgating, and other get-togethers. I was discouraged when looking for a beer puppeteer online when I originally thought of launching a business. At the time, I was conscious that it was my responsibility to introduce the state.

Now, in the current day, I have an excellent, compact design. I hope that you take great amusement in having them in your life and that they provide you much-needed laughter and good times.

Thank you for you consideration and support, 
